Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Hapara Teacher Dashboard Organization

Did you know you can organize and customize your teacher dashboard in Hapara? By default, your teacher dashboard is organized alphabetically by student first name. You can sort your cards by either first name or last name in both alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order.

What if you could organize your teacher dashboard to match your seating chart, by group project, or something else?  You can!   Your teacher dashboard is 100% customizable within the 4 horizontal square layout.  You can drag and drop the cards on your teacher dashboard to create the layout that works best for you! If you want to copy that layout to another screen within your teacher dashboard by clicking the x arrows to the right of the ABC sorting button.

If you want your teacher dashboard to be organized by flexible groups, you can also filter your groups. If you don't already have students assigned to groups, this support document from Hapara will guide you through the process.

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