Friday, February 23, 2018

Technology Update: STUCON 2018!

STUCON 2018 is just around the corner and sign-ups for your class start today!  

STUCON 2018 will be held on Thursday, March 22, from 5 - 7 pm at the West Sacramento Community Center.  

The format will be different than last year in that we are expanding to 4 separate rooms and each class will sign up for a table for the entire time, not 30-minute time slots. Each room will have a theme:
  • Robotics Rodeo - a space dedicated to K- 12 robotics and programming
  • Kidflix - student-created videos on the big screen in an actual theater
  • Innovator’s Space - student shared projects on all things tech
In addition to these three areas, we will be introducing the Student Spotlight Speaker Salon which will feature one student from each school site to perform a 3-5 minute talk using the stem: “My name is ____ from (school) and I am a 21st Century Learner”  

The spotlight speaker salon will showcase students speaking about 21st-century learning and how they use technology in their academic and personal lives. Students will submit their auditions to represent their site using the online tool Flipgrid.  They do not have to do it during the school day or at school, but we do ask that they work with a teacher to get feedback on their talks. The STUCON Steering Committee will select one student from each school site to perform their talk twice at STUCON2018.  If you know of students that would be interested in participating, then please share their name on the STUCON 2018 sign-up form. We will have swag for our final site winners.

Sound like a fun evening of technology?  We think so and are hoping you can help make it happen!  By signing up on the STUCON 2018 form,  you will be committing to sending students for one or more projects in any or all of the categories above – whichever fits best within any projects you have already done or are planning to do in the next couple of weeks. Your only role during the event is that you support your students and be their biggest cheerleader – you are not presenting, they are!  You will be paid for the two hours that you are at STUCON 2018 with your students.

Not sure what you might have your students share?  There is space on the STUCON 2018 sign-up form for a “Technology Consult” and one of our technology team members will work with you on putting something together for the event.  

We’ve already secured door prizes donated by the different vendors the Technology department works with and will be raffling off at least one Chromebook to participating students!

Questions?  Need more information? Please reach out to Christy Jourdan ( or Kim Harrison (

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Technology Update: New Calling Process, STUCON 2018, and more! 02082018

Greetings WUSD Staff,

Changes in Phone Calling Procedure

The California Public Utilities Commission has made a change to the 916 area code for residents, businesses, and other entities - including Washington Unified schools and offices. Beginning Saturday (Feb. 10), anyone calling within the 916 area code must dial 1 + area code + telephone number. If this new procedure is not followed, calls will not get through.

For our school sites, you will need to dial 9 for an outside line followed by 1 + area code + telephone number.

This change is a result of the public utilities commission decision to overlay a new area code, 279, within the geographic area currently served by 916.  Calls to 911, 311, and several other special services will not be affected.  For more information, visit the public utilities website.

STUCON 2018 is Coming March 22!

Start gathering together students to share their knowledge at the Washington Unified STUCON 2018 event to be held at the West Sacramento Community Center on March 22. Christy Jourdan, from the Technology Department, is leading a Steering Committee of students, teachers, and staff to help make this event bigger and better than last year. If you would like to be on the STUCON 2018 Steering Committee, CLICK HERE to sign up.  

Help Desk Ticket Reminder

If you are having technology related issues with your classroom equipment or need student accounts created or changed, please be sure to submit a Help Desk Ticket. The Help Desk Ticket system automatically creates a record of your request and ensures that we don’t miss assisting you with your needs.  We especially need you to use the Help Desk Ticket system for making requests regarding Scholastic and Lexia.

2.     Log in with the same credentials you use to log into your computer and email.
3.     Click on New Incident and complete all of the information.
4.     You will automatically receive a confirmation email that your ticket was created and Technology Department personnel will follow up with you if they need additional information.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Illuminate Resources from 1/31/18

At District Collaboration on 1/31/18, several different Illuminate sessions were offered that focused on leveraging Illuminate for assessments in the classroom. Links to all Illuminate session materials are included below.