Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Digital Citizenship Week: Using Copyright Friendly Images

Looking for copyright-friendly images to use in your own work and direct students to use? Here's a brief list of Creative Commons and other copyright-friendly sources for images.

Use Google Search within Insert Image Menu in Docs, Drawing, and Slides.

Enter your search term and once you select your desired image, you will notice the source of the image is listed below.  You will want to copy and/or visit this source to provide proper attribution.

Looking for photographs?

Photos for Class: This website has high quality photos that are creative commons and marked for reuse. When you download a photo from this website, it automatically appends the attribution and licensing.

PicsRLearning: This site includes copyright-friendly images with citations listed on the website.  It also allows you to save images directly to your Google Drive.

ClipPix ETC: Students can use up to 25 high quality images for free without further permission within a single non-commercial school project.

Looking for ClipArt?

ClipArtETC: An educational clipart database that allows for the use of 50 images for free without additional permissions. This site has many images appropriate for different subjects.

clker.com: This site has lots of free clipart that is available to download in a variety of sizes.

Art that is in public domain and available for reuse.

National Gallery of Art and Getty Open Art Content: Both sites are a great source for digital images of art that is within public domain and available for reuse.

Other sources:
Creative Commons Search: Choice of different databases.  Best used by staff as several of these sites are blocked for students.

If you have a favorite site for copyright friendly images that you use in your work or your students use that is not listed, let us know!

Supplement with additional CommonSense Media Lessons on Creative Credit and Copyright.
K-2: My Creative Work
3-5: Whose Is It Anyway?, Picture Perfect
6-8: A Creator's Rights, A Creator's Responsibilities, Rework, Reuse, Remix
9-12: CopyRights and Wrongs, Rights, Remixes, and Respect, Retouching Reality

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