Monday, October 24, 2016

Illuminate: Entering K-8 Opinion/Argument Writing Scores

Whether you have already completed administering the Fall Opinion/Argument Writing Assessment are will be finishing the assessment this week, your scores are due into Illuminate by Monday, November 14, 2016.

For your reference, here's how to enter your scores.

2. Visit your Dashboard > locate Favorites Widget > Fall 2016 - WUSD Opinion/Argument Writing Assessment K-8

3. On the pop-up window, click Enter. Alternatively, Click Administration > Enter/Edit

Enter text with pencil icon outlined in red rectangle  Administration Highlighted with Enter/Edit highlighted in menu below

4. Teachers: Click Find Students. Specialists/Admin: Filter your results to reach desired students.

5. You can enter scores by Column or Student or Grid. Click on your desired choice.

Menu Bar with "Enter Responses by Column or by Student or Grid outlined withe Red Rectangle
Column: Enter scores for entire class, one category at a time.
Student: Enter scores for each category, one student at a time.
Grid: Does all of the above, but doesn’t support typing in scores.  Uses drop-down menus instead.
Don’t forget to SAVE!

6. Using your scoring sheets, enter whole number scores for each scoring category for each student. You will see the following abbreviations below that align with your scoring sheet.  Don’t forget to SAVE!
Org: Organization
I/C: Ideas/Content
L/S: Language/Style
C/C: Conventions/CUPS

7. When finished, click on Overview to see an overall report of class performance. You may also visit the Reports Tab and run additional reports.

Note: All writing assessment materials are available for viewing and downloading by visiting Details > Materials

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