Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Entering K-8 Writing Scores into Illuminate

During District Collaboration on November 18, Kindergarten through eighth grade teachers will receive information regarding rubric scoring for the district writing assessments and ultimately enter student scores in Illuminate. The video embedded here outlines the necessary steps. If you have difficulty accessing Illuminate, please complete a helpdesk ticket marked Illuminate or send an email to Melissa Oliver.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Innovative Educator Cohort 1 Named

After a long blind read process of applications by ten of our existing pilot Innovative Educators, a new cohort was chosen on October 30. We welcomed 63 additional teachers into our Innovative Educator program. This group of 63 represents 28 teams of teachers from throughout the district. Click on the Innovative Educator icon on the map to see the names of our Innovative Educators.

 They will be sharing a cart of devices for the remainder of the this school year. Team members will have their own cart of devices to begin the 2016-2017 school year. Additionally, they will have additional training opportunities and specialized coaching available to them.

Interested in being part of our next cohort of Innovative Educators? Watch this space for information about Cohort 2 coming in 2016.